Guilty dog asks for daddy’s protection when mom confronts him about eating the tinsel

Video: Guilty Dog Confronted About Eating Tinsel

What does your dog do when you confront him about something he chewed or destroyed? Most guilty dogs would give that sweet apologetic face, while some would run away and find a hiding place.

The dog in the video below is guilty of chewing up and eating the tinsel. And when he was confronted by his mom about it, he gave his mom a sweet apologetic look. But that’s not all he does! Since his daddy is also there, he tries to hide behind his daddy, asking him for protection from his mommy!

Watch the video below!

Video: Guilty Dogs Won't Admit to Eating Shoe

Awwww…what a cute dog you are Boomer! With that sweet face and your clever tactics, I think your mommy just can’t get mad at you!

What other sweet and funny things does your dog do when he’s guilty? Tell us about it in the comments section below!

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